Company & Job Title
UFC – Global Partnerships Activation Manager
LVIMA Member Since
I originally joined in 2012, but moved out of the country for several years. I officially rejoined this year.
Where is your favorite place? Why?
Italy. I lived there for 5+ years and it will always be in my heart. The architecture, the lifestyle….and THE FOOD. Also, it is in the perfect spot for traveling Europe.
What is your guilty pleasure?
I love reality shows. I don’t have a lot of drama in my life, but I enjoy watching it on tv.
What is your favorite quote?
“Life finds a way.” Jeff Goldblum as Dr. Ian Malcom in Jurassic Park
iPhone or Android?
If you could pass on words of wisdom to someone in the beginning stages of their career, what would you share with them?
Don’t expect things to just come to you. Always stay working on your skills and get out and meet people or even connect with them on LinkedIn. Also, you won’t always get your dream job on a straight path. It will definitely take some weird twists and turns.
How do you balance your personal life and work life?
I always make time for family and friends via in-person, video calls or texts. It’s important to have that circle of good people around you. Also, I stop checking my work phone after a certain time. Having a separate work phone does wonders to help.
Describe yourself in 3 words.
Welcoming. Curious. Traveler.
What is your favorite thing about LVIMA?
The events are always great. I always learn so much and meet great people all while having fun.