And off they go! …another run down the zipline on Freemont Street and another kickoff mixer for LVIMA. Both activities combined for a rockin’ start to the 2013 season of events!
Thursday started with beautiful Vegas weather turning into a delightful evening downtown Las Vegas. LVIMA guests arrived at the Golden Nugget to get passes for a free zipline ride thanks to this year’s sponsors. After flying through the sky somewhat faster than a 1200 baud modem, members headed for the balcony at Gold Diggers to mingle and sip cocktails. More than 100 friends, colleagues and partners spent the night talking (WHAT?), strategizing and networking with a bird’s eye view of the Freemont Street Experience.
Without sponsors, LVIMA wouldn’t be noted as the best “IMA” in the “USA.” Special “Thanks” goes out to AddThis, Netmining, Rocket Fuel, Specific Media, NetBase, MaxPoint, RadiumOne, Valueclick, Expedia, Greystripe, Bannerview and YuMe for their participation this year as “kickoff sponsors” with much more to come!
The best LVIMA kickoff event yet sets the stage for the biggest year ever. Six more events and educational sessions lead up to the Digital Media Awards on Dec. 5.
LVIMA’s commitment to social activities, mixers and education seminars this year will yield a production unlike any year before. See you on April 25th for the next part of our excitement series!
— LVIMA Committee Chairs
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